March 26, 2019 - OPERA was introduced at the 6th Toyohashi University of Technology Symposium with the theme "Borderless Challenges for the Future: Transcending Organizational and Regional Boundaries" in the Program for Promoting the Enhancement of Resea
February 18, 2019 - JST OPERA kick-off meeting was held
December 11, 2018 - The 4th Multimodal Bio-imaging Sensor Study Group Meeting and the 7th EIIRIS Intelligent Sensor and MEMS Workshop were held at Toyohashi Chamber of Commerce and Industry
October 15 through October 19, 2018 - "Kaori Image Sensor" was exhibited at 2018 CEATEC Japan and featured on NHK News
October 5, 2018 - The 3rd Multimodal Bio-imaging Sensor Study Group Meeting and the 6th EIIRIS Intelligent Sensor and MEMS Workshop were held at Toyohashi Chamber of Commerce and Industry